Online Variation Requests for Domiciliary Care Providers

Contact details

Daily breakdown of variation (including number of carers required and duration)

Can you please enter the detail of variation only using hours and minutes, for example, half hour is 0:30. For x 2 carers a half hour is to show as 1:00.
You should use plus (+) or minus (-) symbols to denote an increase or reduction in hours or minutes.








Any authorised variation will expire on the agreed end date - it is the responsibility of the provider to contact ASC should an extension to this be required, all additional requests will be considered in line with the variation process.

Data Protection

Your information may be shared with other council services and partner organisations to ensure our records are kept accurate and to help us to identify services or benefits you may be entitled to or interested in. We may also need to share your information for the prevention and detection of fraud and/or other crimes or as the law requires. For further information about how we use your information please refer to the Council’s Privacy Statement on