Specialist Inclusion Support Service Referral
Only schools or health care professionals can make a SISS referral.
Mandatory - Is this referral being made on behalf of the Virtual School
Child's details
Mandatory - Child's name
Invalid Date - Date of birthMandatory - Date of birth
Mandatory - Address
Mandatory - Is the child looked after by the local authority
Mandatory - Number of children in the family
Parent/carer details
Provide names and addresses, if different, for each parent or carer and indicate who has parental responsibility
Mandatory - Name
Mandatory - Relationship to child
Mandatory - Address
Mandatory - Postcode
Mandatory - Home telephone
Parent/carer details (if different)
Referrer details
Mandatory - Name
Mandatory - Address
Mandatory - Designation
Mandatory - Contact telephone
Reason for Referral
Mandatory - What is the primary need or difficulty
CLD - Communication and Learning Difficulties
SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health
PD - Physical Disability
Invalid Date - When was the condition diagnosed (DD/MM/YYYY)
SLCD - Speech, Language and Communication Disorder
Further information
Parental consent
The referrer can complete the following questions on behalf of the parent/carer and confirm they have explained all the options and are accurately reflecting the parent/carer’s wishes. The referrer is also confirming that they have explained the purpose of the referral to SISS and obtained parental consent.
Any information that you provide will be used by SISS to help us tailor services for your child. Your information will be treated as confidential, and stored in a secure way. It will only be shared with other council services and partner organisations to ensure our records are kept accurate. The staff from the team working with your child will report on assessment and or intervention findings and discuss with you, school/nursery the action and support which will need to follow.
Your records will be kept for 25 years for audit purposes and in the event we need to provide information about the service you have received.
Mandatory - I confirm I understand why you want my information and I have had the opportunity to consider this.
Mandatory - I agree that the information will be shared with other professionals who are already involved with my child, or other agencies that may become involved in the course of any support offered to my child. This will be done in accordance with Solihull’s MBC Information Sharing Protocols. This will only be information that is relevant and necessary and will only be shared with people who need that information at that time.
Mandatory - I understand I can opt out and withdraw my consent at any time by contacting the 0-25 Children and young People’s Service Business Support Unit on 0121 704 6690 or via email at sissadminoffice@solihull.gov.uk.
Mandatory - I give consent for you to record and hold my information for the purposes explained to me.
Mandatory - Name of Parent/Carer
Mandatory - Parental consent obtained from (Name of parent/carer)
Mandatory - By (Name/Title of referrer)
Invalid - To receive a copy of your completed referral enter your email address
Data Protection
Your information may be shared with other council services and partner organisations to ensure
our records are kept accurate and to help us to identify services or benefits you may be entitled to or interested in.
We may also need to share your information for the prevention and detection of fraud and/or other crimes or as the law requires.
For further information about how we use your information please refer to the Council’s Privacy Statement on