Report a safeguarding concern

Referrer Details

Details of Person with Care and Support Needs


Persons views

Health and social care services

Form submission

Please tick the confirmation box and click on the ‘Submit Form’ button below when you have completed this referral form with all the information and details available to you. Only then will this form be sent securely to Adult Social Services.
Following this you will shortly receive an email at the email address you entered above in the Referrer Details section, confirming this referral form has been sent to Adult Social Services.
Once your form has been received the information you have supplied will be used to help us investigate your concern. In the course of our investigation it may be necessary to share your details with partner organisations such as the Police.
It may be necessary for us or our partners to contact you using the details you have provided if we require further information.
If you do not receive this automated confirmation email the referral form may not have been completed and therefore not sent to Adult Social Services. Please ensure you have ticked the confirmation box and clicked on ‘Submit Form’ before exiting this form as it will not save the information.

Data Protection

Your information may be shared with other council services and partner organisations to ensure our records are kept accurate and to help us to identify services or benefits you may be entitled to or interested in. We may also need to share your information for the prevention and detection of fraud and/or other crimes or as the law requires. For further information about how we use your information please refer to the Council’s Privacy Statement on