Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) Case Review Online Reporting Form

Your contact details

Incident details

Please note: you will need to have reported three separate incidents of ASB within the last sixth months for a trigger review to be undertaken.

What happened

Please provide in the boxes below, the following information based upon any reports that you have made to the Police, Solihull Community Housing and/or your social housing landlord within the last six months that you remain dissatisfied with the agency response or the outcome of your case:

  • Date of the first incident of ASB and the date you first reported it to the agency/ies and the details of any subsequent incidents and the dates you reported them
  • What happened, please provide a brief overview of the ASB incident (The trigger panel cannot investigate criminal matters. These must be reported to the police for them to investigate)
  • Who was the person committing the ASB (Please provide names and addresses)
  • Were any other people involved in the incidents of ASB (Provide their names and addresses and explain how they were involved)
  • Which agency you reported the ASB to (e.g. Solihull Council, Police, Solihull Community Housing and/or another social housing provider). If you know your case reference number that, you were given (e.g. Crime Reference Numbers and Case Numbers) please add this too
  • Outcome/action taken by Police, Solihull Community Housing and/or your social housing landlord
  • Why you are dissatisfied with the action taken by the Police, Solihull Community Housing and/ or your social housing landlord
Did anybody else witness the above listed anti-social behaviour or is anybody else affected. Please only give the details of those affected if they are willing to be contacted as part of the trigger review process. The panel will seek their consent to be involved in the review

Further information

If you are renting your property, please provide the following information:

About you - equalities monitoring

Once your form has been submitted it will be shared with Council departments, the Police, Solihull Community Housing and any other social housing providers linked to your case. If your case requires it, we will share this information with other partner agencies linked to the Safer Solihull Partnership and others that can help to address ASB.

Once we have received, all the information above we will contact you to advise you of the next stage of the trigger review process. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 0121 704 6867 if you have any further questions.

Data Protection

Your information may be shared with other council services and partner organisations to ensure our records are kept accurate and to help us to identify services or benefits you may be entitled to or interested in. We may also need to share your information for the prevention and detection of fraud and/or other crimes or as the law requires. For further information about how we use your information please refer to the Council’s Privacy Statement on