Council Tax Disregard Review

The following errors have occurred:

You should only complete this form if we have sent you a Council Tax Disregard Review letter.

* denotes a mandatory field

Your Details

This is 8 digits, as shown on your review letter or council tax bill

Residents in a Disregard Category

Please provide details below of those who are aged 18 or over who fall into a Council Tax Disregard category.

Residents aged 16 or 17

Please provide details below of any residents in the property who are aged 16 or 17. (Leave empty if there are none).


The information I have given on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I will tell you if the status of the property changes within 21 days and understand that if I do not do so, I may have to pay a penalty of between £70 to £280.

Data Protection - Fairer Processing Notice

We use the information you provide to work out your council tax and to assess entitlement to any reductions, discounts or exemptions applied for.

We may pass this information on to other organisations to confirm details, to protect public funds, prevent and detect fraud and crime or as required by law. We may also share it with other Council services and partner organisations to make sure our records are accurate and to help us identify services you may be entitled to or be interested in (such as free school meals, other benefits, grants and entitlements towards disability, support and care services).

Partner organisations include government departments (such as the Department for Work and Pensions, HM Revenues and Customs and the Home Office), other Councils and private sector organisations such as banks, credit reference agencies and organisations that lend money.

For further information please refer to the Council's Privacy Statement on or contact